2 de jun. de 2010

World Environment Day

Hi People!

On June 5th we celebrate the World Environment Day. On this day, people from all over the world stop and think how important it is to preserve our environment and how we can help protect it.
Some students participated into the project "BEANS ARE COOL" in which they planted beans and watched them grow.
Here you have the pics from their activity:

Groups which participated:
Teenstation 1 Tuesday - Thursday 15:15 - Ms. Parker
Have Fun 1 Tuesday - Thursday 14:00 - Ms Dickson

3 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

legal gostei apesar de mim estar ai achei muito legal mesmo

rafaela hai fum 1

Anônimo disse...


Anônimo disse...

oi este video ficou d+ gostei!!
