22 de abr. de 2010


Hi Wings of Freedom (Tuesday-Thursday and Monday-Wednesday). Analyse this résumé below and say if you would hire(contract) or dismiss( not accept) this person to work for you. You have a Web Designing Firm. Leave your comment here, ok? We discuss it during class. See you!!! (Teacher Rodrigo) 

6 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

o.O' Am I the FirsT?!uhahuaha!
ok... so,I would hire him, Because he does a P.E. Course, this is Good because I do it tOO! ;D hahah!
And, he have some experience with joB, would be cool give him a chance to show what he konwS! ~'

So iT iS" ByE!

ClaudionoR! ;D

Anônimo disse...

lol... put my resumé! there is so many lies,..

Bruno Zillig

Anônimo disse...

I would fire him,because he doesn't has experience in design. And provide training for a person who does not know is very difficult to draw.


Guilherme R.

Anônimo disse...

How can I start?

I would hire him because he has a lot of enthusiasm and he has experience.
I think he is a good worker.

Lucas Adriel

Fisk disse...

Very nice students!! Great participation! We are going to comment John Doe's résumé tomorrow in class.
see you!

Anônimo disse...

I would dismiss him, he don't have any experience or education to be a web designer, and his objective is to go to Italy, and he is not able to go there because he speaks english.

Beatriz R.